EntreNord Workshops, 2013

The EntreNord Workshops 2013 are aimed to discuss and share knowledge on entrepreneurship in the artistic fields across the Nordic countries. 

The arts, culture and design fields have a vast potential to contribute to society – yet a large number of students find it hard to leverage their potential and skills after graduating. Since 2012 Kreanord has  – in the the project Entrenord  – asked the following two questions to educators, education planners and management in the Nordic art schools:

  • How do the students get better at finding multiple ways of using their skills?
  • How do we strengthen the ability of the students to create sound working lives?

In 2013 educators and education planners will meet at five workshops across the Nordic countries sharing knowledge, inspiration and experiences on this matter. The five workshops built upon the momentum created the year before, when Entrenord ran its first 5 workshops of this kind.

Topics and discussions
The participants on these workshops will discuss a wide range of topics and share concrete experiences:

  • Which are the key elements in entrepreneurship training, and how are these transformed into learning goals?
  • Self efficacy – how can courage and ability to act be strengthened? Not only amongst students, but also amongst those who work with entrepreneurship in education.
  • Dilemmas and challenges in working with entrepreneurship in education. The participants will identify dilemmas from their own practice in education.
  • IPR  – Intellectual property rights – how do the students learn about the rights and worth of artistic endavour? – The Kreanord e-book on IPR will be introduced: IPR e-book
  • Inspiration – what is already done? Experiences from across the Nordic countries will be shared – and every workshop will bring new examples from the group of participants.

The workshops have been held.

Update: Experiences from the workshops
The workshops created a frame for meeting across subjects, institutions and countries. New contacts were established and concrete visits were agreed: A Norwegian educator visited and established a collaboration with a Danish colleague, a Danish education developer acquired new knowledge in Reykjavik and a development consultant from Eastern Iceland visited several entrepreneurial initiatives in Copenhagen. Everybody has fed back to Entrenord, that they have gained a lot through these new and very relevant contacts!



Nordic / English


Projekt Partner

Kontakt person
Margrete Bak og Marianne Buus




EntreNord Workshops, 2013

The EntreNord Workshops 2013 are aimed to discuss and share knowledge on entrepreneurship in the artistic fields across the Nordic countries. 

The arts, culture and design fields have a vast potential to contribute to society – yet a large number of students find it hard to leverage their potential and skills after graduating. Since 2012 Kreanord has  – in the the project Entrenord  – asked the following two questions to educators, education planners and management in the Nordic art schools:

  • How do the students get better at finding multiple ways of using their skills?
  • How do we strengthen the ability of the students to create sound working lives?

In 2013 educators and education planners will meet at five workshops across the Nordic countries sharing knowledge, inspiration and experiences on this matter. The five workshops built upon the momentum created the year before, when Entrenord ran its first 5 workshops of this kind.

Topics and discussions
The participants on these workshops will discuss a wide range of topics and share concrete experiences:

  • Which are the key elements in entrepreneurship training, and how are these transformed into learning goals?
  • Self efficacy – how can courage and ability to act be strengthened? Not only amongst students, but also amongst those who work with entrepreneurship in education.
  • Dilemmas and challenges in working with entrepreneurship in education. The participants will identify dilemmas from their own practice in education.
  • IPR  – Intellectual property rights – how do the students learn about the rights and worth of artistic endavour? – The Kreanord e-book on IPR will be introduced: IPR e-book
  • Inspiration – what is already done? Experiences from across the Nordic countries will be shared – and every workshop will bring new examples from the group of participants.

The workshops have been held.

Update: Experiences from the workshops
The workshops created a frame for meeting across subjects, institutions and countries. New contacts were established and concrete visits were agreed: A Norwegian educator visited and established a collaboration with a Danish colleague, a Danish education developer acquired new knowledge in Reykjavik and a development consultant from Eastern Iceland visited several entrepreneurial initiatives in Copenhagen. Everybody has fed back to Entrenord, that they have gained a lot through these new and very relevant contacts!



Nordic / English


Projekt Partner

Kontakt person
Margrete Bak og Marianne Buus


